Sunday, February 28, 2016

Female Rights

According to Google, the definition of feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. The feminist movement has come to rise in the past 50 years due to more women going to college, chasing careers instead of chasing men. Women are becoming more aware of wage gaps, high leadership positions, and rights over abortion. 100 years ago women were fighting for the right to vote, which was a right only men had. So, its hard to imagine that in the year 2016 women have positions in political leadership or let alone get paid the same amount as men.

Wage gaps between men and women are quite staggering as women only make 78 cents to the dollar that men make. Its outrageous that because of your anatomy and genitalia and by doing the same jobs you would get paid less than a man. Even if a man and a woman have the same educational background and work experience it doesn’t entirely close the gap. There have been achievements in women gaining more education over the past 50 years. There are now more women than men in college at the moment. The reason why so many women are in college and graduating is because of access to birth control and pushing off marriage. Birth control has given women the ability to push off having children so that they can focus on their careers instead. Abortion has allowed women who didn’t plan on getting pregnant by terminating the unwanted pregnancy. Abortion and birth control have given women the freedom to have sex, enjoy it, and live their lives as they have planned.

Another reason as to why there is such a large wage gap between men and women is that women aren’t picked for higher leadership position that women are. The argument as to why women shouldn’t be in leadership positions is that they are too emotional and cannot make rational decisions when they are on their period. It’s true that women are more “emotional” during their menses but it doesn’t mean that they cannot separate their work lives and personal lives. The only reason women are seen as more emotional is because its socially acceptable for women to show their emotions as opposed to men. Men are supposed to be macho and masculine; they are to be tough and invincible. Women are seen as the weaker species.

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