Sunday, March 27, 2016


Always is a brand that sells tampon, pads, liners, and other feminine products meant for a woman’s menstrual cycle. They have many commercials to sell their products including commercials that empower and inspire women. They show women playing sports, going on dates, and just living their lives as normal as possible. The company attempts to shatter stereotypes that are associated with women who are on their menstrual cycle. Instead of showing a women who is constantly laying in bed because she is on her period, Always shows women who can do anything at anytime regardless what time of the month it is. Their most recent commercial which was broadcasted during the SuperBowl asks girls and young adult women what its like to be a girl. Many of the young adult women are asked to run like a girl. They responded by running while flailing their hands and making comments about how their hair will get ruined. When the girls were asked to run like a girl they ran like any human being would run. They put all of their power into the run instead of portaying a stereotype that has been created for girls.
                    The brand, Always, strives to shatter the image that society holds for women. Society sees women as futile, weak, and emotional human beings and compared to men, we are seen as the weaker species of homo sapiens. Our anatomy makes us “weaker” solely because we have less testosterone and the anatomy between a man and a woman is different. Of course, men and women aren’t equal one has qualities that the other doesn’t have yet why does society put woman down for being who they are? Men have always been revered for their masculinity as is they are able to withstand anything the world throws at them. Women are seen as needing a man to provide for them and to protect them. All of these statements add to the social stigma that concerns women and young girls like the ones displayed in this commercial. Always strives to end the negative connotation that the phrase “like a girl” has.

                    Because this commercial was aired during the SuperBowl its intended audience was the entire country. They want men, women, and children to change the way they look and think about girls and what its like to be a girl. The perspective that men and women have on women needs to change. Women need to be seen as equal to men even if our anatomies don’t exactly match up. In order for the ad to carry on after its short stint, Always displayed a “tag” on their commercial. Whenever someone posts something with the “tag” #LikeAGirl on social media outlets like Twitter and Instagram, Always wants people to be aware that acting #LikeAGirl means a lot more than painting your nails and brushing your hair. Using that tag will remind people that girls are not frail beings but something more than the sterotypes that portray them.

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