Thursday, March 31, 2016

Find Your Greatness

                  The company Nike is a company that wants its buyers to “Just Do It”. Their very popular slogan conveys a motivational emotion in which they hope that whatever athletic event an individual wants to do that they should do it regardless of their situation. Nike strives to motivate people into running faster and harder. They sell athletic clothing, shoes, and accessories in order to equip their customers with the right kind of gear in order to perform better. It is one of the most successful athletic clothing brands in the world. Most, if not every, citizen of the Unite States knows who Nike is based on their slogan and their signature checkmark.
                  In 2012, Nike released a commercial showing a overweight and young man running on a rural dirt road. His name is Nathan and he is 12 years old. The narrator, who is Tom Hardy, is speaking and he is telling the viewer that greatness comes from within. Greatness can be achieved by anyone. even Nathan. He is from a small town in Ohio where not many people are considered “great” or even considered to be able to achieve “greatness”. Yet Nike wants its viewers to know this fact. The company wants to change the way that their customers and viewers think of themselves and the way they think about other people. Anyone, like Nathan, can become a marathon runner or a baseball player. No matter where you come from or who you are, you can achieve greatness.

                  When I first watched this video it made me cry. The reason why it made me cry is because of the young man in the video who is actually making an effort into becoming a healthier individual. Even though he is obese, life in a small town, with probably no support from anyone, Nathan is making a difference in his own life. Most adolescents like Nathan, who live and come from a small town, live a life of obesity. They don’t get educated on the effects the food, which they’re eating, has on them; which is why Nathan is in the situation that he is in. It made me feel emotional because Nathan is running on a lonely looking road by himself, which is why I believe that he doesn’t have support from anyone. It made me feel going for a run because if Nathan can get up in the morning and motivate himself enough to change his lifestyle, than I can too.

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